The old guys need a break!
2018 has already been David and the Titans' busiest year yet!
Since The Forge, we've been at Squires Social Hall twice and had our first party of the year.
Squires is a cool basement bar with great staff. We really enjoyed Dave Gould's hospitality there and they liked us enough to have us back in March. Look for us on March 15. And guess what? We'll be celebrating David's birthday that night, too!
Next up
- March 15 at Squires
- April 6 at Hilltop Pub with All Shades of Blue
- May 19 at Sly's Pig Roast
- May 26 at Titan Sound, Featuring Danny Coady and James Beaudry's 2018 solo show.
- June 9 at the Rangeton Farmers' Day Festival